Family Photos

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is Spring Here Yet??

Ok, it has been a very long cold winter on the East Coast.  We have had unbelievable cold, snow and now never-ending rain!  I am sure that Jim and Joanna will be very happy to trade our cold in the south with theirs but for us in Atlanta this was a very cold and long winter.  Last weekend we had our very first glimpse into Spring, it was very nice (in the 60s) and sunny for a change but with the beginning of the week, the rains came and so far they don't know how to leave.  Though it is not as cold as it has been it keeps dipping back into the high 40s/low 50s and the winds are making it feel even colder.  I hope that all of you had a great weekend and look forward to hearing from you.


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